Engineering Design and Construction of a 360,000m3 Mutara Dam in Laikipia East
Strata was involved in the Design and Construction of an earth dam with a capacity of up to 360,000,000 liters to be used to irrigate roughly 1000 acres of farmland for Mutara Orchards Ltd. This water is harvested from surface runoff and floodwater from river Suguroi near the dam through an intake located upstream of the river.
The scope of work included:
Geotechnical survey
Excavation for the dam, spillway and silt trap
Compaction of embankment
Construction of the intake structure including laying the intake pipe and construction of the intake chamber.
Construction of the reinforced concrete sump.
Construction of a pumphouse
Installing a solar power unit
Laying of the raising main and river abstraction gravity main.
Erection of a 150m3 elevated steel paneled tank
Construction of a concrete weir complete with off-take chamber
Laying of low lift pipe from the sump to the reservoir
Construction of the access road.